You don’t have to be an engineer to be involved in challenging technology projects. Affinity with the projects is the foundation. Koen de Bruin and Annemiek van Marsbergen are both Senior Consultants at the Deloitte Responsible Infrastructure & Capital Projects team. 'Together with clients and contractors, we work on complex projects in the civil sector, from road and hydraulic constructions to the energy transition. Communication and collaboration is key in our jobs, instead of calculating and drawing.'
'Civil engineering is fascinating’, Koen says. ‘But when I was already doing my MasterOffshore Engineering, with a specialization in Offshore Wind Energy, I knew I wanted to be aconsultant rather than an engineer. I enjoy working in teams, coordinating and having asupervisory role. That’s what energizes me.' Both Koen and Annemiek are part of theResponsible Infrastructure & Capital Projects team. 'Our team is responsible for the projectmanagement of large civil engineering and infrastructure projects in the Netherlands andalso internationally. We guide clients, such as governments, and contractors, from scope todemolition, from the first preparations to the execution.’
Making your own choices
The Responsible Infrastructure & Capital Projects team includes six capabilities: contractmanagement, procurement, technical management, stakeholder engagement & publicparticipation, policy & research, and project management & control.
Koen - My role offers plenty of responsibility, freedom and autonomy.
Koen (30) has worked on projects for a large building contractor, managing the systemsengineering process. Also, he was the Tender Coordinator for a civil and water contractorand Assistant Contract manager for one of the Dutch provinces. His current role is that ofTechnical Manager at a large municipality, where he is responsible for the preparations anddesign process of the city’s quays and bridges that need to be replaced. 'I love this role. Itoffers plenty of responsibility, freedom and autonomy. I’m also the Capability Lead of ourcapability Project Management & Control. Every week, I work a few days at the client’s officeand a few days at the Deloitte Utrecht office, ensuring I keep in touch with the people I workwith.’
Combining technology and society
Annemiek (27) works for the capability Technical Management. So far, she has had variousroles. ‘After I graduated in Transport, Infrastructure and Logistics, a friend pointed out to methat Deloitte would be a great place to work at. During my master, I really enjoyed thecombination of technology and society - which is exactly what I was able to do at Deloitte:manage concrete projects in peoples's living environments.’ Annemiek started as a JuniorConsultant, on a project related to the realization of high-voltage substaions. ‘It was our jobto digitize standards and make them SMART. We set up a data library and developed newsystems. Then I switched to the role of project supervisor where I was responsible forseveral teams. I taught them the new way of working, monitored and discussed the progressof the project, and was the point of contact between the project teams and the technologyteams.’
Annemiek - I love improving processes and seeing how that benefits people. It means my contribution truly makes a difference.
Currently, Annemiek works as a systems engineering consultant at a large Dutchmunicipality for three different projects. 'For the first one, I guide the renovation of a sewagepumping station in the use of systems engineering. The second project consists ofdeveloping a list of requirements for charging hubs for electric vehicles. And for the thirdone, I am part of a renovation program for all movable bridges and locks in a city', she saysenthusiastically. 'I love the diversity of the projects and all the different aspects of my job.Also, it energizes me to work with people. But most of all, I love improving processes andseeing how that benefits people. Knowing that my contribution to projects truly makes adifference.’
Sharing knowledge and developing yourself
Fridays are dedicated for sharing knowledge and further development. 'From Monday till Thursday, I work at the client's office. On Fridays I’m at the Utrecht office to spar with my colleagues and do courses’, Annemiek says. ‘It’s a great way to pay attention to your personal development. Deloitte offers a huge variety of training and education, ranging from professional courses such as risk management, systems engineering, or PRINCE2 - to training soft skills, such as, communication and leadership. And everyone has a personalized development program. That’s certainly motivating.'
For Annemiek and Koen, Fridays are inspiring as well as fun. ‘Our team members are young. We’re all very ambitious, and open to one another. The vibe is always positive. It actually feels like a group of friends’, Annemiek smiles. ‘So we also regularly attend festivals, go bicycle racing, and even go on ski trips.'
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With over 7,000 people in 15 offices across the Netherlands, Deloitte is one of the largest providers of professional services in the areas of accountancy, tax advisory, consultancy, risk management and financial advisory. Deloitte not only has an economic responsibility but also a social one. Our aim is that our various activities have as much community impact as possible.
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